Timothy awoke facing the wall.
It was Blue, Sky Blue, with silver/white stars painted all over it.
He almost smiled, then changed his mind.
He Rolled onto his back and looked at his feet on the ceiling; well, not his feet really, but his footprints.
Dad had dipped his feet into Purple paint, Violet, and held him upside-down whilst he walked all over the ceiling.
He almost smiled, then changed his mind.
Timothy saw Red, Blood Red, moving around the body hanging behind his bedroom door!!!
He and Dad had made a model man with a working heart pump which pumped blood all around it.
He almost smiled then changed his mind.
He looked under the bed at the monsters and grabbed them, they were monstrous!
Well, they were bright Orange (not Terracotta), with big white claws attached.
His slippers looked like they belonged to an Orange monster, they made his feet look a lot bigger than they really were.
Timothy climbed back onto the bed and jumped up and down a couple of times then leaped right off of it onto the floor.
He almost smiled, then changed his mind.
Timothy ran over to the other side of the room and pressed his nose up against the glass, two Huge Eyes looked back at his.
He blinked once, he blinked twice, but the eyes just stared back at him.
Jackson, his pet Goldfish (who was actually Yellow), didn`t blink back.
Dad had said that he didn't have eyelids to blink with, he didn`t need them in the water.
He gave Jackson a little bit of food, and watched him swim up to eat it.
"No blinking?" he thought, how funny.
Timothy almost smiled, then changed his mind.
He looked out his window and then down at the sill, looked down at the pot there, and then, closer still.
With both of his eyes guess what colour he`d seen?
Well, a tiny tiny stalk with tiny tiny leaves, he was growing a plant and it`s colour was Green!!
This was the first time he`d seen it, this was just great, Dad had said, "plant a seed, water it and wait".
He ran past Jackson and winked (who didn`t wink back), kicked off his Orange monsters, tripped, slid and fell on his back; he saw the man all red pumping blood from the floor on his door; on the ceiling his footprints, liked pressed Violet mud; the Blue star-studded walls he`d first spied when he awoke
then it happened, his face it then broke!
As he lay on the floor and thought of the Green,
he almost smiled
then changed his mind,
instead he just BEAMED!
It was Blue, Sky Blue, with silver/white stars painted all over it.
He almost smiled, then changed his mind.
He Rolled onto his back and looked at his feet on the ceiling; well, not his feet really, but his footprints.
Dad had dipped his feet into Purple paint, Violet, and held him upside-down whilst he walked all over the ceiling.
He almost smiled, then changed his mind.
Timothy saw Red, Blood Red, moving around the body hanging behind his bedroom door!!!
He and Dad had made a model man with a working heart pump which pumped blood all around it.
He almost smiled then changed his mind.
He looked under the bed at the monsters and grabbed them, they were monstrous!
Well, they were bright Orange (not Terracotta), with big white claws attached.
His slippers looked like they belonged to an Orange monster, they made his feet look a lot bigger than they really were.
Timothy climbed back onto the bed and jumped up and down a couple of times then leaped right off of it onto the floor.
He almost smiled, then changed his mind.
Timothy ran over to the other side of the room and pressed his nose up against the glass, two Huge Eyes looked back at his.
He blinked once, he blinked twice, but the eyes just stared back at him.
Jackson, his pet Goldfish (who was actually Yellow), didn`t blink back.
Dad had said that he didn't have eyelids to blink with, he didn`t need them in the water.
He gave Jackson a little bit of food, and watched him swim up to eat it.
"No blinking?" he thought, how funny.
Timothy almost smiled, then changed his mind.
He looked out his window and then down at the sill, looked down at the pot there, and then, closer still.
With both of his eyes guess what colour he`d seen?
Well, a tiny tiny stalk with tiny tiny leaves, he was growing a plant and it`s colour was Green!!
This was the first time he`d seen it, this was just great, Dad had said, "plant a seed, water it and wait".
He ran past Jackson and winked (who didn`t wink back), kicked off his Orange monsters, tripped, slid and fell on his back; he saw the man all red pumping blood from the floor on his door; on the ceiling his footprints, liked pressed Violet mud; the Blue star-studded walls he`d first spied when he awoke
then it happened, his face it then broke!
As he lay on the floor and thought of the Green,
he almost smiled
then changed his mind,
instead he just BEAMED!