•The difference between me
and the white on the tree
Is the ants climb up me.
The xylaphone mariachis play
As the cars shudder over judderbumps
The chaotic harmony of wood over metal as they compete to
Fill the spaces left by the plaza church bells
Uneasily complementing the birds jumping like notes atop the white
based trees,
their long fanned black tails marking time with their shrills of sharps
and flats
And lastly the thrill of the trill of the traffic policepersons
The shiny Spongebob and hart balloons
And the shiny church, the Palmas in the plaza...
and the palming of blue maize tacos
A cool dusky evening, air tainted with roasting coffee
This Is the union between air
and what matters
take me back to orizaba
Where the white on the tree is me
and the white on the tree
Is the ants climb up me.
The xylaphone mariachis play
As the cars shudder over judderbumps
The chaotic harmony of wood over metal as they compete to
Fill the spaces left by the plaza church bells
Uneasily complementing the birds jumping like notes atop the white
based trees,
their long fanned black tails marking time with their shrills of sharps
and flats
And lastly the thrill of the trill of the traffic policepersons
The shiny Spongebob and hart balloons
And the shiny church, the Palmas in the plaza...
and the palming of blue maize tacos
A cool dusky evening, air tainted with roasting coffee
This Is the union between air
and what matters
take me back to orizaba
Where the white on the tree is me